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Google Sheets

You can send data to Google Sheets from a val. You can collect data from incoming HTTP requests or from a HTTP endpoint on a schedule.

Authencating with the Google Sheets API is a bit tricky, but we walk you through it below. It should only take a few minutes, and only needs to be done once.

Google reccomends OAuth2 server to server authentication for bot-based applications. We will walk you through creating a Google Cloud service account, giving it access to one of your Google Sheets, and using its key to make authenticated requests to the Google Sheets API.

1. Create a Google Cloud service account

Creating a Google Cloud service account is the reccomended way to authenticate to the Google Sheets API.

a. Create a Google Cloud project

Open the Google Cloud console and click on the Select a project dropdown in the top left.

"Select a project" dropdown

In the dialog that pops up, click on the New project button.

"New project" button

Choose any name for the project name, then click Create.

New project page

b. Enable the Google Sheets API

Open the Google Sheets API page, then double check if the correct project is selected.

"Select a project" dropdown

Once you have made sure that you are using the correct project, click Enable.

Enable button

c. Create a service account

On the left of the screen, click on Credentials.

Credentials tab

On the bar at the top, click on the Create credentials button, then select Service account.

Service account dropdown option

Enter any name for the Service account name. You may also enter a description, as you see fit.

Service account setup

Save the email address for later, as it will be required to add the service account to a Google Sheet.

Click Done, as granting permissions to this service account is not required.

d. Create a service account key

To the right of the screen, open the menu on the newly created service account, and click Manage keys.

Manage keys

Click Add key, then Create new key.

Add key

Click Create key. Leave the type as JSON.

Create key

You will get a JSON file in your downloads directory.

e. Import the key into Val Town

Open the service account key JSON file in a text editor, and copy the full contents.

Open the Environment Variables page, then click New env variable.

Set the key to a name like google_service_account, then paste the entire JSON data into the value.

Once you are finished, click Add.

Environment Variables

2. Create a sheet and grant access

Open Google Sheets and create a new empty sheet or open an existing one.

Click the Share button, then paste your service account’s email into the dialog. Make sure it is added as an editor, and optionally disable “Notify people”.

Share menu

Lastly, copy the sheet ID from the URL bar. It’s the long string of characters between /d/ and /edit.

Sheet ID

3. Create a val to send data

To interact with the Google Sheets API, use the @mattx.gsheet_call wrapper.

This automates requesting an access token from Google to access the Google Sheets API.

It requires 4 arguments:

  • The contents of your service account JSON file: in almost all cases, this should be retrieved from environment variables using - for example, Deno.env.get("google_service_account").
  • The sheet ID
  • The action to perform: This parameter is the part of the URL that comes after{spreadsheetId}/, along with any URL parameters that might be required (often this is valueInputOption). For example, for spreadsheets.values.append, this will be values/{range}:append?valueInputOption=RAW, where {range} needs to be substituted for a range like A1:C3. You can find a list of available actions in the Google Sheets API reference.
  • The request body: In the same example as above, the request body could be
    {values: [[1, 2, 3]]}. Notice that this is an array of arrays, in line with the API documentation.

Here is an example of what the above looks like when put together:

Sheet output example